Tuesday 10 July 2012

To recruit, metallurgy is also focusing on training

Echecolonea Herve Langlois and Kevin find a job from their technician training machining. (Julie Verdom)
We can no longer recruit, "laments Jean Bellocq, the manager of Metallization Béarnaise, a metallurgical company located Beyrie-en-Béarn." There are more skills. It is necessary that people form, and do not worry, they will work, there is room! "To train, this is exactly what the Centre offers apprenticeship training in the industry (CFAI) of the Adour, which part of the premises is located in Bordes.

When someone wants to reorient themselves professionally metallurgy, it may follow a readiness to use (POE), that is to say 400 hours of training center and two-week internship. For this preparation, he acquired the basics of metal trades and can then target training to specific jobs.

Kevin Lee, 20, spent a tray of pro motorcycle mechanic. "This is an area blocked: I did not find any company to hire me. Employment center offered me this readiness to use redirects for me and that I find work." After his two-week internship at Turbomeca, included in the PEO (1), he chose to continue his training in vocational baccalaureate technician machining CFAI Adour, alternating at Turbomeca, where he will be hired to theoretically derived from his two years of training.

Echecolonea Herve, 21, has also chosen a reorientation. After a technical baccalaureate in mechanical engineering, he began a BTS, he leaves at the end of the first year. "This does not please me, and a friend told me about this course, we all followed. Today, I am alternately with Béarnaise Metallization." And the boss of the company seems determined to keep his house Hervé: "I hope he stays yes, it is very hard to find someone! I currently looking for two qualified millers-turners, with of experience. I spent a lot of ads on the internet, in newspapers, employment center. But nothing to do! We need the people here are motivated to form, otherwise we will pick up workers else! " The message is clear.

That is why the local mission of Pau, employment center and the Union of Industrial and metal trades, through the CFAI Adour, are mobilizing to publicize the metal so that young or old, are formed in this sector which recruits.

(A) On 24 September, a new period of readiness to commence employment. To register, you must get closer to the employment center or local missions, including space for the local mission work of Pau (05 59 98 90 40).

>> Metallurgy needs hands

Today in the department, there are 120 vacancies in the metal, which is the third sector of the department by Valerie Aubourg of the Union of Industrial and metal trades. Small business, as in Metallization Béarnaise Beyrie, major groups, as Safran, everyone is looking for skilled workers. This is a very diverse sector: metallurgy is the work of materials, parts, which will serve the aerospace, oil companies, chemistry, agriculture, rail industry. Therefore a very promising sector. Thousand jobs will be filled over the next two years.

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